Basic description: micro processor-controlled switch, one input, five outputs with transistors, output current up to 1 A, switch can operate in 4 modes.
Five channelswitchPS5-3Ais designed tocontrol up tofive independentloads (miniatureDCmotors, LEDs,sirens, light bulbs,electrical glowing, rocket launchers, etc.) using a singlechannel RC system. Switch can be controledjust bytwo orthree positioncontroller.Every output cancontrol by the time ofdeflectionof control stick fromneutral position and back, ornumber of deflections of control stick fromneutral andback.The switchcan operatein four modes:fiveindependentswitches orcontrollers, combinationswitch,gradualswitch and beacon emulator.Inswitchmode,outputs can beswitchedin sequenceon and offup to 20sections, eachadjustableinlengthfrom 0 to5.1s. Inmodecontroller outputs canbegraduallyPWMswitchedin up to fivelevelsfrom 0 to100%.InCombinationmodeswitch can have presetbehavior of alloutputsin 10 differentcombinations.In thegradualswitch mode outputs are gradually switchedstep by step according tousercommands.Inbeaconmode,the outputs areswitchedover and over and after connectingLEDs itimpresrotatingbeacon.Ineach mode,the user can setseveral parametersswitching.The controlcircuitswitches can be supplied from receiver(3.5to 6 V),the loadon all outputscanbe powered byvoltageup to 20V. The maximumoutputcurrent every outputcanbeup to 3A. Examples ofuse:turn signalsin a modelcar,steppedspeed controlmotor,switchingglow, gradualfiringmissiles,beacon, etc.
Superbright red LED, case diameter 5 mm, supply voltage 2 V, current 25 mA, luminosity 2000 mcd, flaring angle 20 degrees. Quantity discounts: over 9 pcs - 10 %, over 99 pcs - 20 %, over 999 pcs - 30 %. Availability: In stock
Superbright red LED, case diameter 5 mm, supply voltage 2 V, current 25 mA, luminosity 6000 mcd, flaring angle 20 degrees. Quantity discounts: over 9 pcs - 10 %, over 99 pcs - 20 %, over 999 pcs - 30 %. Availability: In stock
Superbright red LED, case diameter 5 mm, supply voltage 2 V, current 25 mA, luminosity 8000 mcd, flaring angle 30 degrees. Quantity discounts: over 9 pcs - 10 %, over 99 pcs - 20 %, over 999 pcs - 30 %. Availability: In stock
Superbright red LED, case diameter 5 mm, supply voltage 2 V, current 25 mA, luminosity 7000 mcd, flaring angle 30 degrees. Quantity discounts: over 9 pcs - 10 %, over 99 pcs - 20 %, over 999 pcs - 30 %. Availability: In stock
Superbright red LED, case diameter 5 mm, supply voltage 3.3 V, current 25 mA, luminosity 25 000 mcd, flaring angle 20 degrees. Quantity discounts: over 9 pcs - 10 %, over 99 pcs - 20 %, over 999 pcs - 30 %. Availability: In stock
Superbright red LED, case diameter 10 mm, supply voltage 2.6 V, current 50 mA, luminosity 30 cd, flaring angle 30 degrees. Quantity discounts: over 9 pcs - 10 %, over 99 pcs - 20 % Availability: In stock
Superbright white LED, case diameter 8 mm, supply voltage 3.5 V, current 25 mA, flaring angle 25 degrees. Quantity discounts: over 9 pcs - 10 %, over 99 pcs - 20 % Availability: In stock
Superbright white LED, case diameter 10 mm, supply voltage 3.1 V, current 25 mA, luminocity 37 cd, flaring angle 30 degrees. Quantity discounts: over 9 pcs - 10 %, over 99 pcs - 20 % Availability: In stock
Superbright red LED, case diameter 3 mm, supply voltage 2 V, current 25 mA, luminosity 2000 mcd, flaring angle 20 degrees. Quantity discounts: over 9 pcs - 10 %, over 99 pcs - 20 %, over 999 pcs - 30 %. Availability: In stock
Superbright red LED, case diameter 3 mm, supply voltage 3.3 V, current 25 mA, luminosity 8000 mcd, flaring angle 30 degrees. Quantity discounts: over 9 pcs - 10 %, over 99 pcs - 20 %, over 999 pcs - 30 %. Availability: In stock