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LED bulb P13.5 - 0,2W.

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LED žárovka P13.5 0,2W
LED žárovka P13.5 0,2W
Price with VAT : 35,00 Kč
VAT:21 %
Availability:In stock
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Quantity (pcs)Price without VATPrice with VAT
1 + 28,90 Kč35,00 Kč
10 + 28,90 Kč26,00 Kč35,00 Kč31,50 Kč
LED bulbs

LED bulb with case P13.5 is designed as bulb replacement to flashlights. LED bulb has white light. Supply voltage is 2.9 to 3.4 V (minus on thread), input power is about 0,2 W, flaring angle 100 degrees.

!_potrebujete poradit ?_! BEL LED bulb P13.5 - 0,2W.

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